5 tips on how to grow on Instagram

5 tips on how to grow on Instagram

There are over a billion active users on one of the biggest social networks of the moment, and you still have trouble building an audience there? It’s not easy to stand out on social media, but there are some practices that increase your chances. How about finding out how to grow on Instagram by following the habits of some of the platform’s biggest profiles?

Any relevant brand or personality in the digital world has a presence on the “image network”. To learn how to gain followers and engagement, however, it takes more than just posting. Content marketing and digital marketing in general teach techniques to establish relevance within your field on Instagram.

These are the techniques we’ll look at in this article. Keep reading to learn how to grow on Instagram and change the trajectory of your profile!

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Discover how to grow on Instagram​

This list shows methods that increase your chances of gaining followers and increasing engagement on Instagram — remembering that a good follower base is an engaged base! At the same time, we will show you some examples of established profiles on the platform that use the same techniques mentioned. This way, you will learn in theory and in practice how to grow on Instagram.

Let’s go?

1. Change your profile to a professional account

A simple change can make a big difference. Changing your Instagram account to a professional account brings several advantages, such as greater reach and analytics and insights tools. With these, you gain access to details about your audience and the performance of your profile and specific posts.

To get all these benefits, you just need to go to Settings and then click on “switch to professional account”. Then just choose which category best fits your profile — you can search beyond the first ones shown in the list! — and that’s it. Felipe Neto , for example, with 15.6 million followers, is classified as a digital content creator.

2. Put some effort into your bio

When people visit your profile, they need to know immediately what you have to offer. Your bio is the perfect opportunity to do this. Summarize the points of interest in your profile and use keywords that help people search within Instagram. If you have a link to include, try to include a call-to-action so that people can visit the link.

Reserva ‘s bio is a good example of a retailer. In just a few words, you already know it has important information about the company and a CTA for the link. Author and influencer Thiago Nigro (O Primo Rico) follows the same logic, with the addition of emojis to make reading more fluid.

3. Plan and use an editorial calendar

Planning is essential for any social media strategy. Growth on Instagram, whether organic or paid, requires a good frequency of posts and some understanding of the best days and times to post. This is only possible with an editorial calendar.

With it, you can schedule all your posts and have quick and visual access to your weekly, monthly or even yearly planning. This way, you can define publishing patterns and see the best way to vary your content. And speaking of variation…

4. Use different formats

Although it is known as the social network for photos, Instagram is increasingly featuring videos. Between static images and audiovisuals, there are a number of possible formats that should be used to fully utilize the platform’s potential.

Carousels, for example, are great for conveying a lot of information in a simple way, as you can see on the profile of Raccoon.Monks (one of the largest digital marketing agencies in Latin America). Videos are everywhere: in the feed, in stories, in reels. The literary profile Livraria em Casa uses a variety of video options.

5. Invest

Organic growth — that is, without the use of ads — is possible, but it inevitably takes longer. If you want more followers quickly, investment is important. But it’s not just about paying and waiting for the audience to come: you still need to have relevant content to attract and retain people.

In addition to boosting your best posts, you can also invest in other ways. Contests, events, and giveaways, for example, are a good option if they make sense for your business. This crochet profile  recently held a giveaway and, to participate, people had to follow the profile and share the post. This creates huge word of mouth!

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